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Piano +Musical Gateway

5 years old

Many young musicians are ready to explore instrumental study but are not ready for a full 30-minute private lesson. In Piano +Musical Gateway, children learn foundational music skills on the piano and use movement to internalize the learning.  Musical Gateway is a movement-based music curriculum introducing concepts like rhythm, melody, and harmony in a social and imaginative way.

In this small class of 4 students, your child experiences movement activities that will enhance their piano playing. By learning to play simple songs, students are introduced to basic rhythmic notation and to the musical grand staff.

  • Age Group(s): 5-8
  • Ages: 5 years old
  • Instructor: Sora Lee
  • Instrument: keyboard
  • Semester: Fall, Winter/Spring
  • Duration: 45 minutes, 30 sessions, full year program
  • Day/Time: Wednesdays, 5:15 - 6:00 pm
  • Maximum Enrollment: 6
  • Cost: $990 + $25 materials fee