Home / Instruction + Programs / Ukulele Crash Course

Everyone should take this class! It’s fun, friendly, and a great way to learn an EASY, travel-friendly instrument. This comprehensive class offers a fundamental approach to learning the ukulele for students of varied musical backgrounds.

You’ll learn the first position notes and chords on the ukulele and about tablature, basic note reading, chord diagrams, and basic strumming patterns. Get ready to learn how to play single note melodies and basic chords for songs.

Learning the Uke is easy, and it’s something different to do after work, or school, or around a campfire with family and friends. Everyone knows that all the cool kids play the ukulele!

You will need to bring your own Ukulele. No prior experience needed.

  • Age Group(s): 13-18, Adult, Lifelong Learners
  • Ages: Adults
  • Instructor: Aaron Jay Myers
  • Instrument: strings
  • Semester: Fall, Winter, Spring
  • Duration: 60 minutes, 10 weeks/semester
  • Day/Time: Mondays, 3:00 - 4:00 pm and 6:00 - 7:00 pm
  • Start Date: September 23
  • Cost: $330
Mondays, 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Mondays, 6:00 - 7:00 pm