A CCM instructor will evaluate your student to ensure proper placement.
Rhythmic Solfège I (Ages 6 – 9)
Musical Goals
- Learn to identify the notes in both G and F clefs that rest on the Grand Staff (Bass C through Treble C)
- Simple meters of 2, 3, and 4 with modified conducting arm beats
- C major Scale structure, including half and whole steps using note names and scaled degree function
- Use of the Body as Instrument to sight-read these pitches
- Sing, play, move simple melodies within this scale
- Sharps and flats
- Steps and skips on the staff
- Dynamic markings: p, mp, mf, f, crescendo, decrescendo
- Symbols: phrases, slurs, staccato, ties, accents, Step or conduct/articulate simple meter rhythms.
Rhythmic Solfège II (Ages 7 – 10)
Musical Goals
- All Skills from Rhythmic Solfège I
- Learn to identify the notes in both G and F clefs that rest on the Grand Staff (Low F through High G)
- F major, G major, and A natural minor scale structures including half and whole steps using note names and scale degree function
- Use of the Body as Instrument to sight-read these pitches
- Sing, play, move simple melodies within this scale using the rhythms below.
- Sharps, flats, and naturals
- Tonic and Dominant arpeggios in these major keys
- Intervals (Number only) through a 5th
- Dynamic markings: pp, ff
- Symbols: phrases, slurs, ties, accents, repeat signs, D.C. al Fine, fermatas
- Simple meter rhythms
Rhythmic Solfège IV (Ages 9 – 13) Not offered this semester.
Musical Goals
- All of the skills from RS III
- Ledger lines above and below Middle C, below Bass C, and above high C.
- Simple and Compound meters of 2, 3, and 4 with modified conducting arm beats
- C major, F major, G major, B♭ major, D major, E♭ major, A major, as well as A, E, D natural/harmonic/melodic minor scale structures including half and whole steps using note names and scale degree function
- Use of the Body as Instrument to sight-read these pitches
- Sing, play, move simple melodies within this scale using the rhythms below
- Tonic, Sub-Dominant, and Dominant 7th arpeggios in these keys
- Identify, build, & sing intervals through an octave, both number and quality: major, minor, and perfect.
- Tempo and affect indications in foreign languages: Agitato, Mysterioso, Vif, etc….
- Simple Meter rhythms: Crusic and Anacrusic
- Compound meter rhythms: Crusic and Anacrusic
Additional Information:
This is a full-year class. Students may join mid-year with instructor approval. Please contact the office for more information.
To enroll, we require a full-year commitment to the Rhythmic Solfege program. To make music education available for everyone who wants to participate, we offer a convenient payment plan or need-based financial assistance. Please visit Financial Assistance to learn more.
New to Rhythmic Solfège? Discover more at our Intro to Rhythmic Solfège starting March 22.
All Rhythmic-Solfège™ students are required to have a metallophone (an additional $35 when registering for Rhythmic-Solfège™ I). If you are registering for Rhythmic Solfège II and IV and need a metallophone, please contact Student Services Manager Emma Huggard. This instrument will be provided on the first day of classes and will be used throughout the Rhythmic-Solfège™ sequence. Students must bring this instrument to each class along with their workbook and completed homework assignments.
Please call (978) 369-0010 or email us for more information.
The Rhythmic-Solfège curriculum is provided by the Dalcroze School of Music & Movement through our partnership with Integral Steps.

- Age Group(s): 5-8, 9-12
- Ages: 6 - 9, 7-10, and 9 - 13
- Instructor: Weronika Balewski
- Semester: Fall and Winter/Spring
- Duration: Rhythmic Solfege I and II for 45 minutes, 30 weeks
- Day/Time: Tuesdays, Rhythmic Solfege I at 4:45-5:30 and 5:30-6:15 pm; II at 4:00 - 4:45 pm
- Start Date: September 17 *This is a full-year class. Students may join mid-year with instructor approval. Please contact the office for more information.
- Maximum Enrollment: 10
- Cost: $930 for Rhythmic Solfege 1 and II + $25 materials fee for all programs