Home / Instruction + Programs / Guitar Ensemble

Kids can join the Guitar Ensemble and see how much fun it is to play with their peers.

Through stimulating group instruction, repertoire, and guitar exercises, young guitarists learn how to work together as a group while exploring music from various cultures, eras, and styles. Students will learn the importance of self-discipline, goal setting, and camaraderie.

Recommended prerequisites to join the ensemble include basic reading skills and knowing first position up until high A (5th fret first string) as well as the basic grasp of music theory.

*Tuition based on the number of participants.

If interested please call the CCM office or email the Student Services Manager.

  • Age Group(s): 9-12, 13-18
  • Ages: 8 - 12
  • Instrument: strings
  • Day/Time: TBD
  • Start Date: Currently not offered at this time, please contact Registrar@ConcordConservatory.org if you are interested.
  • Maximum Enrollment: 6