Home / Instruction + Programs / Intro to Rhythmic Solfège

Introduction to Rhythmic-Solfège will support young musicians in building a strong foundation in note reading and rhythm, experience learning music through movement, and develop strong musicianship through singing, percussion, and interactive games. 

Sat, March 22, 9:00-9:45 am – North Hall 

Sat, March 29, 9:00-9:45 am – North Hall 

Sat, April 12, 9:00-9:45 am – South Hall East 

This class is perfect for students who might start an instrument in the next year or two, or those who are already learning an instrument.

Additionally, it gives you a chance to try out the Rhythmic-Solfège program, which is a year-long music and movement class that meets every week from September through June. Each student in Intro to Rhythmic-Solfège will receive a recommendation for placement in the appropriate Rhythmic-Solfège level for Fall 2025.

  • Age Group(s): 5-8, 9-12
  • Ages: Ages 6 - 10
  • Instructor: Weronika Balewski
  • Semester: March 22 - North Hall, March 29 - North Hall, April 12 - South Hall East
  • Duration: 3- week course
  • Day/Time: Saturdays, 9:00-9:45 am
  • Start Date: March 22
  • Cost: $85